Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Animazement 2017 is Over (And I'm Sad)

What a great con! I've been attending AZ for many years now, and this year it was really hopping. This was also my first year as a dealer - and my first year as a panelist! I met some lovely people, saw some amazing cosplay, and in general had a fantastic time.

Shoutouts to my fellow authors - Shira Anthony, Grace Duncan, and Brynn Stein - and to fellow dealers - especially our uber-friendly neighbors who kept us awake and in good spirits. Also, big thank-you to all the Adventure Zone cosplayers who put up with me asking for pictures and all but chasing down some of them! Finally, thanks to everyone who stopped by the booth, especially those of you who took a few minutes to chat with us. I can't tell you how thrilled I was to meet you!


Some observations:
  • Mac n' cheese from Concessions in the Dealer's Room is not half bad, especially at 10 in the morning

  • Maui Wowi makes some delicious coffee (and the line is shorter than Starbucks)

  • Wearing comfortable shoes ups the fun factor of walking the con by uh, about 100%

  • Get a hotel room. Get. A. Hotel. Room.

  • FM 95.3 has some great rock music and realllly helped me get through the drive there and back

  • Funimation Peep Show was totally worth going to and a lot of laughs

Sunday, May 21, 2017

Greetings and Panel Appearance

Hello again! Looks like it's been a while since I posted - don't think I'm meant for blogging.

Anyhow, I'll be at Animazement in Raleigh, North Carolina this weekend the 25th through 28th. As conventions go, it's a lot of fun. Check it out here! I will also be part of a panel on Friday night to discuss Yuri!!! on Ice and its implications for the gay romance and yaoi genres.

Yuri!!! on Ice is an anime that is very dear to me, and I can't wait to talk about it on Friday. This will be rather difficult because I don't know how to describe the show, really.... It's sweet without being overly sweet, dramatic without being overdone, and while based on competitive ice-skating is never off-putting even to someone like me who knows nothing about the sport. I've watched it five or six times now and it always fills me with such joy. Even just watching the opening sequence brightens my day!

 Me, watching Yuri!!! on Ice on a bad day.

If you're attending Animazement and a fan of the show, or of gay romance or yaoi, please stop by the Dreamspinner Press booth in the dealer's room or attend our panel if you are over eighteen! I can't wait to meet new people who are interested in the same genres as I am.
